Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again

If you clicked on this hoping to hear the "Angus Prune Tune," well I'm sorry but ISIRTA isn't here, although the obvious reference was made in the title.

Mania blogs are, currently, down. I assume Jarrod is doing something about this, when he's not suffering from insomnia that is.

Since the entries over at Mania are far more interesting (and currently harder to find) I thought I'd just add this link to expedite the search. There's rambling opinions (such as you'd find here) sketches that parody "Twilight," declarations of why J. J. Abrams is bad for "Star Trek," and other such madness.

In the meantime, promotions continue to go out to New York, Los Angeles, and Canada.

Also, the idea of exploring the notions of how Summit Entertainment is possibly selling out the soul of "The Twilight Saga" in exchange for "man candy" is bubbling in my brain. We'll see where that goes.