It has been a very long time since I've updated or seen about the task of maintaining this blog, and now that I visit it this morning the cold, rabid bite of my last entry's timestamp reminds me of why I've been absent.
Three days after my last posting my dad died. Only now am I returning to this blog, but only with the following statements:
After having been made a Featured Blogger on Mania's website by its administrator, I've decided that this site won't be updated as often as it used to be, except in cases when it needs to serve as a failsafe site OR if I go outside the usual Mania boundaries.
Most of you already are aware that my profile and blog can be found at the following address:
Since I'm attempting to do my part in resurrecting my fellow Maniacs' interest in the notion of blogging\reviewing\bitching I'll be focusing my attention there. Maelstrom will return one day (hopefully), Karas is thinking of pitching in her TV reviews, and maybe Bob can start sticking his You've Got Geek On You podcasts links back into the entries which have been overrun by spam as of late.
I will be checking in on this blog to test links and such just to make sure they're still active. As for my old myspace page, I'm just going to let it sit there collecting dust as it retains vital information and blogs from that era as well, but don't expect any updates there either.
Another night has fallen, another day is dawning.
And life goes on as best as it can...