Welcome, friends and Maniacs, to the place which will serve as a sort of, how can I put this, "neutral ground" for me to promote myself and my work in such a manner that won't be impeded by the various technical difficulties Mania is enduring right now.
No, I'm not abandoning Mania. I love Mania.
I've found a great number of sounding boards, supporters, and equally vocal fanboys there that'll tell me I'm a nut if they feel like it.
Or they won't say anything at all, which is becoming more and more likely I fear due to the fact Mania's glitches are suspiciously un-glitched nearly four months into the new year.
Maelstrom hasn't been seen since February, Jarrod's probably still in hiding after the fembots incident, Tokyo is rebuilding after being stomped on twice, and (according to Hanso) "the Dark Knight still owns, son."
Plus there's Wiseguy and NotAFan, who both are still fans of "The Life and Times of Igor," even though the other hunchback movie was made and mine is still lost in a unique form of Development Hell.
Another reason to not abandon Mania is the fact that, after a year of being a Maniac, I have over 12,500 views to my name. To me, that is incredibly unique and suggests to me that Maelstrom was right: maybe I am doing something right.
To all those who are unfamiliar with the above, let me introduce myself: I am the founding member of The Starlight Guard. (See "Sweet Dreams: A Sandman's Story" for further details.)
If you are uncertain of what this "Mania" is of which I speak, go here.
My profile can be found here.
I sincerely hope this only temporary, but given the lack of technical exterminations we've had recently I feel this is the next best thing I can do.
I'll continue to rant, rave, and shout at Mania, and I'll do so here as well.
And, hopefully, this blog will evolve beyond its rather limited usage I, for now, intend it to be.