Saturday, March 28, 2009

Visual Experiments Of Light And Darkness

In my family, I'm the one that's given the role of capturing moments of time.

I'm often handed a digital camera or a video camera, but whatever the occasion, I'm the one called on to make the memories solid.

And I really don't know why.

It wasn't like I had an unfulfilled desire to become a photographer, but as time passed I slowly realized that the art of imagery makes up a healthy percentage of what happens in a Hollywood studio.

Then, and only then, did I become somewhat interested in capturing life as it happened, wherever it happened.

So that's how I became interested in framing and stealing images from the world around me by placing them on my Olympus' memory card.

In fact, the profile image you see on here is one of my experiments into amateur photography. It is a soft time lapse image of a novelty lamp I have here in my bedroom, and fits my chosen handle for here and Mania quite well, I've felt.

I've also gathered a small portfolio of black and white images that I've taken over the last two years that I'm particularly fond of, and since I am currently unaware of how to commercially viable they may\may not be, I've tended to keep them locked away.

Until now.

I'll a few selections below for you to (hopefully) enjoy.

But when it became clear to me that I was devoting serious creative energy to this field, I started grabbing published works of photography to see what had been done, and what was possible.

Granted some of these books were...well...let's just say "homoerotic," in nature, but it was obvious to me this particular person behind his lens had his own style, and his obvious preference for a particular set of models.

But even it was informative. I won't turn away from something if it's informative, or sets an example of what can be accomplished.

Besides, a Humanities instructor of mine once defined the difference between "naked" and nude" when it came to the arts through the last several centuries. In the arts, they're nude, not shamefully naked with the intent of exposing their naughty bits.


Well after a lot of fumbling about with posting the images directly into the blog, nothing really worked as it should've.

Photobucket's never failed me before, but for some reasons the images are getting cropped and I'm not currently sure of how to fix this glitch, so I'm just going to paste the direct links in and let you find your way to the images themselves.

And when I figure out what went wrong, I'll fix this sad mess.

Beyond The Forest

The Great Tree

Faerie's Waterfall

Sock Monkeys

Shadow Hunting